Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Project Information and Communication Systems Point of View

Question: Discuss about the Report for Project Information and Communication Systems Point of View. Answer: Introduction The literature review depicts on project with program information and communication system point of view. In order to build health care organization for aged different rules and regulations that should be followed before implementation of the project will be discussed in this literature review. The paper will demonstrate different types of tools that are used in the information and communication system and different methodologies that are going to be used in this project planning. The aim of the report is to provide a secured plan to develop a project. Apart from this, there are certain software and some communication systems that are maintained while implementing the project, those will also be discussed in this literature review. In addition to this, the literature review will also mention several processes of project methodologies including the tool plans to develop information and communication methodologies. Different types of Information and Communication Tools During the construction of health care organization for aged certain important tools regarding information and communication comes under consideration. According to Svejvig and Andersen, (2015) Information and communication tools are basically used to serve some of the important purposes such as guidance and project information delivery, interaction among the working employees of the company. Galliers and Leidner, (2014) stated that, project management and information systems are referred to as tools and techniques used to deliver a complete and perfect project to be implemented in the practical field. The technology is used by both the upper level managerial team as well as by the lower level management team of the organization. From the view point of both the authors it can be concluded that, open communication system and execution of application of appropriate tools in exact fields is the most important thing during project implementation. It has been identified that there are dif ferent online as well as offline tools used by the construction project planners. The different tools are as followed: Offline tools Project plan: This is one of the basic tools, already used in during the implementation of the preplanned project. Planning plays the crucial role in any project execution as this maintains the overall efficiency. According to Svejvig and Andersen, (2015) initially, the feasibility of the project is calculated, to measure whether it is fruitful or not. During the implementation of the project it was found that the tools used for the construction are not enough and thus, in the initial stage the company had to suffer from massive financial loss. Schwalbe, (2015) stated that, for project management strategy, resource allocation and delivery scheduling is the most important thing and the project had maintained all the section very clearly. Milestone checklist: This is another important tool that the project manager can utilize in order to determine the track of the project in terms of project progress (Leach, 2014). During project planning, the quality assurance manager of the project did not use any software to track the progress rather he used Excel templates to monitor it. Again, Ward and Peppard, (2016) said that the milestone checklist was updated twice in a week to make a live documentation of the project management system. Online tools Automation and scheduling report maintenance: The project has used Dovico time sheet project tracking software as a online tool that helped the manager of the company to reach the ultimate objective preset for the organization. Team report and the Ad hoc resource along with a graphical representation were managed by the manger with the support of the online automation and schedule report maintenance report. Project profitability maintenance: The manager also maintained the profitability of the project with automation software so that before launching the project the manager will come to draw a conclusion whether the project is beneficial to the organization or not. According to O'Leary, (2013) some tools or key components are used to manage and balance the investment and outcome of the project. Project alert and electronic mail notification: Alert for the project and notification as per the requirement obtained with the help of the electronic mail services. Not only this but also the online tools helped to serve SMS, hosting services, installation etc. Cloud based project management: Cloud based architecture is used in this project to maintain the dashboard system so that the overall structure can be secured within a single framework. Kuipers, et al., (2014) stated that, for a perfect business collaborative business environment is needed to be structured. The organizations project planning had been utilized all the requirements of the project. Gantt chart and part chart: It is commonly termed as the best project management online tool. It is used to display the activities and the task or the events took place within the project and according to the task the allocated time is also mentioned with the help of this tool. Ward and Peppard, (2016) opined that, in this project the allocated tasks were planning, research, design, implementation and follow up and time was allotted accordingly. Clocking IT and Project management software: It is a web based application tool that is used to maintain all other project management tools (Galliers Leidner, 2014). Additionally, the timeline, calendar, graphs and project repot was also synchronized with the help of IT clocking and management software. In some of the sections Collabtive is also designed to offer alternative options to the project. .NET and Apollo project review: Svejvig and Andersen, (2015) stated that, this is one of the easiest tools used to prepare a project. In order to produce financial, manufacturing, software development based projects .NET visual studio application is used to develop easy project structure. .NET projects are easy to develop and are free of complexity. Apollo allows the external workers of the projects to access the project from the outside. However this is considered to be helpful all the time. Private network and Score card: Private network implementation and the score card accessibility is another important online tool used in project planning management system (Chienwittayakun Mankin, 2015). The extranet system conducts the electronic project managements system and in order to transmit different project based information, network level internet protocols are used. Different Methodologies used in the project From the overview of the project it has been considered that the information management system contains different practical guidelines, environmental changes along with the constrain condition. The knowledge database of the system is used in order to develop a particular project. Different project methodologies are used by different projects. As this project is majorly based on the information and communication system thus, one of the most effective methodology is used during the implementation of this project that s known as we based project management system. Lee and Yu, (2012) stated that, web based project management system is a centralized and commonly accessible system that capable of transmit and storing data from different resources at a time. Web based project management system (WPMS) According to Baskerville and Wood-Harper, (2016) WPMS system is capable of exchange data from one source to the destination without any kind of destruction. Exchange of information became easier while developing the project by utilizing WBPM. It is capable to provide a workflow automation system to the employees working for the company and opportunity regarding teamwork. Again, Svejvig and Andersen, (2015) stated that, four categories are defined while implementing the project for old age home. The project contained different information system such as project information, design information, management information and financial information. Different information regarding the project was stored in a web based database management system supported by the dashboard where all the information can be searched at a time in a single screen (O'Leary, 2013). The development team of the company designed the information is such a way that all the information will be stored in a well organized manner and can be easily retrieved by the employees of the company whenever required. Apart from this, the information regarding employees and the financial details stored in the database is secured enough so that, none of the data can be retrieved without the authentication and authorization of the management team of the project (Kuipers et al., 2014). Financial development team developed all the financial information in an organized manner, along with staffs accounting system of the project (Baskerville Wood-Harper, 2016). The WPMS is able to track all the viewer of the website and all the sections where, the viewers have been visited. WPMS is able to produce a hierarchical system of the company. From the overview of the functional schema it has been found that internet and extranet both are the important segment for the project architecture designed by the company for the construction of the old-age home (Svejvig Andersen, 2015). For personnel authentication and authorization application firewall and network firewall are used to create discrimination between the intranet and extranet sectors (Galliers Leidner, 2014). Intranet and the extranet servers are complimentary to each other and the management team monitors all project progress. Different software packages are purchased by the organization to develop the project. The software packages are as followed: Microsoft project 2002, P3ec and Sure Trak, Web Project etc. PM-ASPs The project designed for the old age home consists of different hardware and software system as the project contains repository database, web server, web based application and end user terminals (Baskerville Wood-Harper, 2016). The users of the database can access the data from a terminal whenever required and there is an option of data deletion and data insertion. There are some potential benefits of PM-ASPs. This is one of the most cost advantageous project management methodologies. It is capable of different outsourcing advantages and also it can enhance the competition among the IT professionals (Kerzner, 2013). Web based project management system can share and collaborate files from the database management system and the web form can act and collect data from different resources. In this project plan the platform used multiple devices, multiple platforms and twenty four hour access service all over the country. The data security is also enhanced due to the usage of this web based platform to frame the project model. Any unauthorized and unauthenticated user can not interrupt the system without the permission of the management team. Literature review of the project Management Software and communication systems From the literature review of the project management it has been encountered that during the project development some crucial project management information system software is used during the planning of the project. The information system software supports all the areas of project management knowledge. The PMI system is basically used to review the objectives and to accomplish the goal of the project. (Ward Peppard, 2016) stated that, the project used different management based software within their system such as- Integration management Time management software Cost management Quality management Human resource management Communication management and risk management According to Cassidy (2016), PMIS is an information system that is not considered to be an enough efficient tool but is a collection of a set of experienced tools and methods. All the elements of the project worked collectively with the help of this system and it also plays an integrated role within the project (Baskerville Wood-Harper, 2016). PMIS can also be utilized as a global factor within any organization and it is one of the controlling tools of the project. The objective of PMIS is to create an integrated information system in terms of organizational decision making and information backup. Information on Methodology Though WPMS methodology is developed by the organization to build the project plan based on information and communication management system but it has been found that the methodology is not enough efficient (Hwang Ng, 2013). The project has maintained WPMS method but from the project planning context it is defined that the project should have implemented some other project methodologies in order to develop the project from all the aspects. From the literature review it has been found that the preplanned project has faced some of the issues and the issues can be overcome if the organization introduces some other project methodologies instead of the WPMS (Kerzner, 2013). There are some efficient project methodologies those can be implemented to reduce the security level issues such as waterfall model, spiral model, evolutionary model and prototype model. Among all these project methodologies the most effective one is considered as Meta model or spiral model. Spiral model is considered as Meta model because it contains all the features of secured project management technique. Waterfall Model: This is the traditional model utilized in most of the project management (Svejvig Andersen, 2015). The model consists of certain steps such as feasibility study, requirement gathering and requirement analysis, coding, development, unit testing, integrated testing, implementation and finally the maintenance. The maintenance of the project takes at least 66% of the total efficiency. Prototype Model: This model is used to develop dummy. At the initial stage all the experiments gone through the dummy. After the verification and the validation of the project the required changes made over the project as per the clients requirement. The verification is done by the development team and the verification is done by a user friendly group of clients (Kuipers et al., 2014). From the invoice of the clients the effective changes made within the developed project. Spiral or Meta Model: Spiral model is also known as Meta model as it contains all the features of the other models (Leach, 2014). This model is also developed as per the changes required by the clients of the project. Evolutionary Model: This model has a core base and has some additional sections in the outside. Along with the changing time evolution within the project is made. In real life experiments the most efficient project methodology is utilization of spiral model. Information and communication tools plan development methodology Stakeholder Name of the stakeholders Time management interval with Communication plan Internal stakeholder Project manager Superintendents Engineers Equipments operators Craftsmen Laboures Accountants Communicate daily with the employees Weekly basis Weekly basis Weekly Twice in a month Daily Daily External stakeholder Project owners Consultants Financial consultants Suppliers Communicate daily with the employees Everyday Everyday Once in a month Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that, the project information and communication system is one of the most vital tools that is used by different organizations in order to develop their project in the practical field. It has mentioned different types of information and communication tools that are already used to develop the health care building process for aged. In addition to this, already utilized different methodologies are also illustrated in this literature review. Crucial processes regarding information methodologies and the software and communication system that are used in this project plan are also mentioned I this literature review. Overall it has been found that, the methodologies used to build the project are some where beneficial but in from some other perspectives it is not profitable to the project planner. References Baskerville, R. L., Wood-Harper, A. T. (2016). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. InEnacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 2(pp. 169-190). Springer International Publishing. Cassidy, A. (2016).A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press. Chienwittayakun, J., Mankin, D. (2015). 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